
Volunteer to help Colorado Scientific Society

The success of Society activities depends on volunteer help. Please check any activities for which you can provide assistance. We will pass your name on to the appropriate Committee Chairperson. (See example of Hospitality tasks after the Volunteer form.)


Volunteer with the Colorado Scientific Society

Colorado Scientific Society activities that you want to help with?(Required)

Example of needs for volunteers to be hosts at meetings:

Hospitality Tasks

Two people are needed, one managing the refreshments and one greeting people as they come in.


  • Attend all meetings or arrange a substitute
  • Purchase food items
  • Arrive 30 minutes before ‘social half hour’
  • Set up refreshments, usually items such as cookies, snack items, fruit, soda, hot drinks – but use own imagination or ideas
  • Have a donations jar, this usually provides enough funds to purchase items for the next meeting
  • Monitor refreshments and refill them as they get low
  • Clean up after meeting (Others will help you)


  • Make people feel welcome!
  • Set out sign-in book, name tags, membership forms, other CSS information, any other brochures or information deemed applicable; possibly set up mugs/glasses/logo items to ‘sell’
  • Greet members as they arrive, steer them to the book and name tags, and any information or logo items (if any)
  • Especially greet new people, encourage them to join, answer questions, introduce them to other members
  • Encourage people to volunteer (can have a list of ‘needs’ or ideas)
  • Tell us your ideas for encouraging attendance and what people are asking for.)
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