Founded in 1882, the Colorado Scientific Society promotes knowledge, the understanding of science, and its application to human needs, focusing primarily on earth science, but welcoming members with interests in all fields of science.

Upcoming Meetings are held September through May.
Check out Events > Archive of Talks at CSS Meetings for past presentations.
Monthly Newsletter
Newsletters from September through May that contain abstracts of talks, earth-science news briefs, a calendar of local geologic activities, and information on other scientific meetings
S.F. Emmons Lecture
The S.F. Emmons Lecture, which began in 1962, is a highlight of the Colorado Scientific Society’s activities and contributes not only to our standing in the scientific community but to the intellectual growth of our members and colleagues. The series is named in honor of the Society’s founder, S.F. Emmons. Generally presented at the January meeting, the lectures feature speakers that are recognized nationally or internationally as being at the forefront of research in some important facet of the earth sciences.
Spring and Fall field trips
1- to 3-day trips to scenic and geologically exciting areas in the Rocky Mountain Region
Upcoming Field Trips
OurĀ Past Field Trips have ranged over Colorado and the West.
Annual Past Presidents’ Dinner
We get together to honor our past presidents and listen to special presentations for technical and non-technical audiences
Public Outreach
Memorial Funds for Student Research Grants
The Society awards research grants to help support earth-science students from seven memorial funds dedicated to esteemed and scientifically accomplished Society members:
Ogden Tweto Memorial Fund–emphasis on Colorado geology
Steven Oriel Memorial Fund–emphasis on Rocky Mountain thrust-belt geology
Edwin Eckel Memorial Fund–emphasis on engineering geology
Bill Pierce/Heart Mountain Memorial Fund–emphasis on geology of the Heart Mountain fault, Wyoming
George Snyder Memorial Fund–emphasis on Precambrian igneous/metamorphic geology and basement tectonics
Bruce Bryant Memorial Fund–supports field-oriented student research
Charles Pillmore Fund–supports student participation on Society field trips
Public Service
Society members serve as speakers and field trip leaders for community organizations.
Society members construct and post signs that describe geologic features exposed along highways.
Colorado State Science Fair
The Society presents awards to winning exhibits prepared by junior- and senior-high school students