Denver, Colo. Jany 16th 1904
p. 241
First public lecture
p. 242
The 203rd Regular meeting of the Society was called to order at the Society’s rooms at 830 PM with President H.A. Lee in the chair.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. There were 31 members present.
The Executive Committee reported the Election to active membership of the following gentlemen:
Max Boehmer Denver Colo
R.D. George Boulder “
J.H. Haynes Denver “
F.B. Hydes “ “
T.D. Kyle Leadville “
O.O. McReynolds Denver “
A.C. Watts “ “
The Lead committee reported that the work of collecting proper samples and preparing the same was nearly completed and that they would be ready for distribution as soon as the pulps could be divided and shipping bottles secured.
A report was called for from the Executive Committee in the Frenzel proposal of last meeting. Mr. Comstock reported that the Committee had not taken any definite action. He then read a letter from Mr. Hammer and showed circulars illustrating the lectures and then made a motion that the Society take up Mr. Frenzel’s proposition and guarantee the remaining $40000 as outlined so that the lecture would be given under the auspices of the Society.
A general discussion was participating in by those present and was followed by a vote in favor of the motion. To test the sentiments the President asked what number of tickets could be underwritten by those present. Eighty tickets were voted.
Mr. White made formal application to the Society for the use of the mineral collection to add to the State’s collection to be exhibited at the St. Louis Exposition. The application was referred to the Executive Committee.
Prof. Traphagen then presented his discussion on “Mine Gas” taking the physiological condition of a man when acted upon by deleterious gases and cited his experience at Death Gulch in Cash Creek, Yellowstone National Park.
Mr. Edwards followed with his discussion of Mr. Lee’s former paper giving a simple means whereby the carbon dioxide could be tested by calcium hydrate solutions, and when more definite results were required the further use of color indicator such as phenolphthalein could be applied.
The presence of methane in the Strivesdale Tunnel, England, was used to illustrate the fact that it may be an important factor in all mine gas.
Mr. Warwick called the attention of the members to the papers on Mine Gas reported by the Royal Commission of the Transvaal Government, the analysis of which showed the presence of considerable amounts of carbon monoxide. He also called attention to the effects produced by the unsanitary condition of mine workings generally.
Mr. Mills asked if the Executive Committee had gone into the question of having the Elevator run for the use of the members. Mr. Comstock stated that it would be taken up on a short time.
The meeting adjourned at 1030 PM.
Amos Slater Recording Sec’y & Sec’y Pro Tempore
p. 243 Denver Colo Feby 6th 1904
p. 244
Mr. Pearce
The 204th regular meeting of the Society was called to order at 830 PM with Pres. H.A. Lee in the chair. There were 34 persons present.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
The Executive Committee reported that the subscription for the Hammer lecture on Radio Active Elements were coming in slowly and asked those present to aid in having the coupons sent in, so that the date could be set and the contract with Dr. Hammer definitely arranged.
In the absence of the Chairman of the Lead committee, there was no report.
Mr. H.C Parmalee then exhibited his radiograph and explained in detail the method of exposure. Plate No 1 was place in a box with the articles to be radiographed, then wrapped with rubber cloth and exposed to a piece of uranium oxide. The yellow ochre did not give good results. The second radiograph was made of pitchblende and showed a chicken wing, nails and a piece of aluminum. This was very clear and showed that a radiograph could be made directly from the mineral.
Mr. Traphagen then showed a few plates made by placing pieces of metal in the plates after they had been completely wrapped and left in the dark room for 13 hours; these plates were made apparent[?] the use of an induction coil and were directly opposite to X-ray plates. He then asked if it was possible hat these plates were the same as the radioactive.
Mr. Pierce then made a few remarks in connection with Pitchblende – on which subject a paper was read before the Society at the time of the discovery of Pitchblende and is in the Transactions.
Mr. Comstock made a suggestion that those who wanted to mineral for radioactivity should call on Mr. R.C. Hills, who had a few minerals of that group and would be glad to investigate further an investigation of that kind.
Mr. Schneider mentioned the finding of Pitchblende in Gilpin County, in connection with good gold values.
On motion the meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
Amos Slater, Sec’y Pro Tempore
p. 245
Denver Colo March 5th 1904
p. 246
p. 247
The 205th Regular meeting of the Society was called to order at 830 PM with President Harry A. Lee in the chair. There were 24 persons present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Lee called the attention of the Society to the absence of a sign either in the front of the building or in the lower hall announcing the existence/location of the Society’s rooms.
Upon motion of Mr. Wilkinson the Executive Com was instructed to have such a sign being either in the hall on the lower floor or in front of the building.
The matter of running the Elevator was reported upon by the Executive Committee and it was stated that it was necessary to await the return to the city of Mr. Doherty of the Denver Gas and Electric Co in the hope of either securing a reduction or having the “readiness to sever” charge canceled.
Mr. Lee then asked the Printing Committee if the papers in press could not be issued more promptly as papers read a t a meeting were supposed to be in the hands of members the following week, so that discussion could be had at the following meeting.
Taking up the membership question Mr. Lee gave notice that at the next meeting he would present an amendment to the By Laws relative to the election of members.
Mr. Wilkinson asked for a preliminary report from the Treasurer in the finances of the Hammer lecture which had recently been given under the Society’s auspices. The Treasurer Mr. Cannon stated that the Society had cleared approximately $115.00. Mr. Wilkinson then made a motion that the revenue derived from the lecture be invested in periodicals and books for the Library, and that the chair appoint a committee of four members (of which committee the corresponding Sec’y and Librarian shall be a member), to make selections of such periodicals as may be maintained in future. The motion was carried.
Mr. Lee then asked that each member of the Society constitute himself a committee to devise something on the way of an entertainment or lecture of a popular nature to be given by the Society free to the public.
Dr. F.R. Carpenter presented the paper of the evening on the subject “New Geology and Vein formation.” The paper dealt with the genesis of ore deposits under the new hypothesis of Earth’s origin, as formulated by Chamberlin, and set forth at a recent meeting of the Geological Society at St. Louis by Fairchild in a paper entitled “New Geology.” The comparison of the elaborate system of underground water, derived from meteoric waters, as requited by Van Hise and others is not fully explained by the “old Hypothesis,” but can be readily explained if water be one of the original constituents of the Earth . Volcanism and its role in the genesis of deposits was touched upon, and in this series he set forth he brought out six tentative conclusion to form the basis of the new theory.
Prof. George of the University of Colorado explained his connection with Prof. Chamberlain when the latter was formulating the “new hypothesis”, and how the theory of discovery of matter revolving in a ring was deduced from the Mechanics of the problem, another the other theories did not apparently fulfill the conditions required.
Prof. Headden mentioned his own belief in the work of meteoric waters in ore deposition.
Mr. Brunton said he thought that surface waters explained the deposition of ore material, such as solutions as sulphates and depositing as sulphides, citing a case of direct observation with a microscope in a mine at Aspen.
Upon motion at 1030 PM the meeting adjourned.
Amos Slater, Secy. Pro Tem
p. 248
Denver Colo Apr 2nd 1904
p. 249
p. 250
The 206th regular meeting of the Society was called to order at 830 PM with Pres. Harry A. Lee in the chair. There were 26 members present.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
The committee on the selection of periodicals for the Library presented the following list – Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry – London; Chemical News – London; Engineering News – London; American Naturalist; Electrical Review; School of Mines Quarterly, Columbia College; Technical Quarterly; Dingler’s Polytechnic Journal; Annals de Chemie & Physics, Paris; and the Quarterly Journal Microscopical Society, London. The Committee reported that these have been selected upon the following basis, 1st Such as would cover to the best advantage the field of the needs of the members, and 2nd such as could be maintained in the future- thus laying the foundation additionally of a reference library.
Signed by the Committee – W.F. Edwards, T.L. Wilkinson, E.N. Hawkins, A. Slater.
The notice of amendment to the ByLaws of which notice was given by Mr. Lee at the last meeting ,w as announced as not quite ready for report and will be presented at the next meeting.
Upon motion of Mr. Parmalee it was decided to print and distribute to the members a new copy of the ByLaws and Amendments.
In taking up the discussion of Dr. Carpenter’s paper read at the last meeting, Mr. lee said that he expected to have this meeting for such discussions in order that members could present their views. Mr. C.J. Moore briefly stated that he was not in full accord with the new theory and especially with some of the conclusions drawn by Dr. Carpenter.
Mr. Cannon said that he would have be shown the relation of the new theory, for the old one, had, to his mind, but few flaws and quite well explained the presence of the precious and rarer metals.
Mr. Loftus called attention to the role of erosion in the deposition of ores, explaining by their being no large deposits of ore in the northern part of the sate where erosion had been at work much longer that in the Southern part or San Juan district, which is geologically much younger.
Mr. Moore asked if discussion of this paper could not be left open so as to give other members an opportunity of presenting their views. The chair decide that this would be satisfactory to all, so the discussion will be continued.
The paper for the evening was then presented by Mr. E. Barton-Hack, “Progress of Gold Mining in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia in 1903.” This paper gave in detail the progress made by the different mines during the last year and also gave a general description of this most interesting district. Many maps and blue prints were exhibited so that a clear idea could be gained by methods in use both at the mines and mills.
In the discussion Mr. Bonnevie suggested that many points could be gained from a study of the practice of some of these foreign mills, further that he thought the practice at Cripple Creek in cyaniding could be improved upon and hoped American practice continue improving until the best was attained.
Upon motion at 1045 PM the meeting adjourned.
Amos Slater Sec’y Pro Tempore
Denver Colo May 7th 1904
p. 251
p. 252
The 207th regular meeting of the Society was called to order at 830 PM with 2nd Vice Pres Argall in the chair.
There were 26 members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Executive Committee reported the election to active membership of Mark G. Evans, Denver.
The Sec’y reported that in pursuance of the pleasure of the Society as expressed at the last meeting they had been prepared a resume of the ByLaws of the Society and amendments made thereto since 1894, with the object of their being published. The Secretary also read a Communication from the Secy’ of Sate announcing that the Charter of the Col. Scientific Society is perpetual.
In discussion of Dr. Carpenter’s paper on New Geology, Messrs. Finch, Moore and Lakes expressed some opinions upon the new theory as affecting certain observations in Cripple Creek. The discussion of this subject was continued.
Mr. W. F. Edwards then presented the paper of the evening – “Some notes on Vanadium,” which he called a compilation of many of the important and interesting facts on the subject and stated that it was a desire to collect data relative to this rather rare element which prompted the paper. Mr. Edwards include dint he data a recital of the main chemical reactions of vanadium as they occur in the various group tests.
Prof. Lakes asked Mr. Edwards if he knew the location of any considerable occurrence of vanadium in this and adjoining states, to which Mr. Edwards responded that in his professional experience he know of many lots of small and large quantities brought for investigation chiefly under the impression that they contained radium, and that their content in vanadium varies from a few percent up – usually running about 4%, and the occurrence being chiefly in sandstone.
Mr. Comstock spoke of a sample of such sandstone in the possession of the Society – but stated it had been temporarily misplaced. Mr. Moore spoke of a like occurrence in sandstone, the sample having come from South Park, Colo.
Messrs Slater and Brace related their experiences; the former detailing observations made in the Mammoth Mine of Arizona; and the latter spoke of the occurrence of this material near Placerville, Colo.
Dr. Fleck of Golden spoke of some personal experiences in the occurrence of vanadium in Carnotite as found in S.W. Colorado and referred to the difficulty of separating Uranium oxide from the vanadium oxide, as a bar to commercial success being attained. He also referred to flattering offers having been made by some German Iron Manufacturers which are intended to stimulate the search for vanadium.
Mr. Cannon spoke of the discovery of an uranium compound in the Laramie sandstones, discovered years ago and published first in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science. Mr. Cannon’s comment was that the material may have been vanadium.
Mr. Finch asked if vanadium had been found in the ash of any American coals, stating that it had been already found in Welsh coal ash.
The matter of loaning books from the Library to members was on motion referred to the Executive Committee for action as soon as the Library is completely catalogued.
Mr. Slater responded to the gift to the Library of the Society by Mr. Clerc of 52 numbers of the Engineering and Mining Journal of various dates and was asked to convey to Mr. Clerc the Society’s thanks for the gift.
Upon motion the Society adjourned at 10 P.M.
Edwin N. Hawkins, Secretary
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