CSS Minutes – Abstracts – 1885

Colorado Scientific Society
For the year 1885.


January 5th, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.

There being no quorum present, a special meeting was called for January 7th.

January 7th, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The President, Richard Pearce, in the chair.


It was stated that the annual report of the Secretary and Treasurer, which had been delayed, would be read at the next meeting.
The Society then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the following were unanimously chosen:
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  W. F. Hillebrand.
Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P. H. Van Diest.
Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . . . .  F. F. Chisolm.


Richard Pearce,                          P. H. Van Diest,
A. H. Low,                                 E. W. Rollins,
A. von Schulz

An address was then read by the retiring President, Richard Pearce, after which the President-elect assumed the chair with appropriate remarks.  A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to the retiring President.
A committee, consisting of the President, and Messrs. J. A. Porter, Richard Pearce, P. H. van Diest, and Hermann Beeger, was appointed to draught a bill for presentation to the State Legislature, providing for an annual appropriation in aid of the Society’s collection and library.  As a necessary preliminary proceeding the same committee was authorized to regularly incorporate the Society.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of the Colorado Scientific Society are due, and are hereby cordially tendered to Mr. C. Whitman Cross for the invaluable services rendered by him during the two years of his connection with the Society as Secretary.

February 2nd, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

The following report of the Secretary for the year 1884, was read:

Report of the Secretary Colorado Scientific Society for the year 1884


Ten regular meetings of the Society have been held during past year, at which the average attendance was twelve, the highest number present at any meeting being sixteen, and the lowest seven.


In February, the Secretary of State, Hon. Melvin Edwards, placed a room in the building occupied as the State House at the disposal of the Society.  This room was at once furnished and occupied for the collections, committee meetings, etc.  The regular meetings of the Society have been held in the chamber of the Supreme Court of Colorado, through the courtesy of the Judges of that Court.


Nine written communications have been presented and read by members during the year.  Short notices have been offered by seven members.  A special committee, appointed by the President to investigate the artesian wells of Denver, presented their report in June.  This report was published in pamphlet for by the Society and widely distributed.


At the February meeting the Standing Committee was charged with the revision of the by-laws of the Society.  The revised by laws were presented to the Society in march and adopted in May.


The mineralogical collection has been largely increased during the year, by donations and purchase.  In October W. F. Hillebrand, William McCree and L. G. Eakins were appointed curators, and O. J. Frost, librarian.


The Treasurer then presented the following report:

Report of the Treasurer Colorado Scientific Society for the year 1884

DR. 1884

CR. 1884.

Jan. 1.  To balance in bank

By cash expended:

     and on hand . .


00 For stationery and postage


Dues received during 1884 . . . . .


00 Cases and trays 94 00
Furnishing room 116 05
Ballot box and seal 9 50
Printing 84 50
Mineral specimens 60 00
Janitor 13 50
Sundries, as per voucher 21 40
Dec. 31. Balance in bank and
          in hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 00
$539 00 $539 00

Estimate of Funds available for 1885:
Balance in Bank and personal possession . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .     $112 00
Dues unpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . .     65 00
Dues 1885.  Due January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     410 00
Estimated dues from new members  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     75 00
[Signed.]                                                             Whitman Cross,
Examined and compared with the vouchers and found correct.
F. Guiterman,
L. G. Eakins,     Auditors.
On motion duly seconded, the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were accepted as read.
The Committee upon Incorporation reported that incorporation papers have been filed with the Secretary of State, and that a bill appropriating $500 annually in aid of the Society’s collections, was before the Legislature.
Additions to the library were announced.
Communications. — Mr. Richard Pearce read a paper entitled, “Certain interesting crystalline alloys.”

February 12th, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

The meeting was called to consider the advisability of placing the Society under State control.  It was stated by Mr. J. A. Porter that a clause in the Constitution of the State precluded any appropriation being made for the Society unless it was placed under State control.  After discussion a suitable clause was inserted in the appropriation bill, and the amount to be appropriated was increased from $500 to $1,000.  The bill, as amended, was read, and upon motion, approved by the Society.

March 2nd, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the Chair.

The resignation of Robert E. Booraem was read and accepted.
Communication. — Mr. P. H. van Diest spoke of the recent earth-quake phenomena in Spain.

April 6th, 1885,
In the Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

The Treasurer made a statement concerning the financial condition of the Society.
Mr. J. A. Porter reported the failure of the bill, in the State Legislature, making an annual appropriation for the Society.
A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. J. A. Porter for his efforts in behalf of the Society before the Legislature.
A committee was appointed to secure new rooms for the Socieety.

May 4th, 1885,
In the Rooms of the U. S. Geological Survey.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

The committee on new rooms reported that they hoped to secure suitable quarters in the Arapahoe County Court House before the next meeting of the Society.

June 1st, 1885,
In the Society Room, County Court House.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

Mr. H. W. Leavens, chemist, Denver, was elected to membership in the Society.
The President announced the death of J. G. Ridgley, on May 16, 1885, and spoke of the deceased as having been an earnest member of the Society.  Mr. P. H. van Diest then gave a brief sketch of the life of Mr. Ridgley.  The Secretary was instructed to convey to the family of the deceased an expression of the Society’s deep sympathy in their bereavement.
Communications. — The following papers were read:
Richard Pearce, “Notes on the Occurrence of Goslarite in the Gagnon mine, BUtte City, Mon.”
L. G. Eakins, “Meteoric Iron from New Mexico.”
Regis Chauvenet, “Estimation of Antimony as Tersulphide.”
William P. Headden and B. Sadtler, Jr., “Some Experiments on the Quantitative Efficiency of Marsh’s Apparatus.”
W. F. Hillebrand, “Emmonsite, a Ferric Tellurite.”

July 6th, 1885,
In the Society Room, County Court House.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

A vote of thanks to the County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, for granting the Society the use of a room in the Court House, was moved and adopted.
Communication. — The following named paper was then read:
Richard Pearce, “Notes on some Further Investigation on the Formation of Crystalline Alloys.”

October 5th, 1885,
In the Society Room, County Court House.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

William P. Headden, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Denver University, was elected to membership in the Society.
A communication was presented from several others societies of Denver, proposing the formation of an Academy of Sciences, and a conference committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. P. H. van Diest and A. von Schulz.
The resignation of Prof. A. Lakes, Golden, was read and accepted.

November 2nd, 1885,
In the Society Room, County Court House.
The President, W. H. Hillebrand, in the chair.

The committee appointed to confer with the representatives of other societies in regard to the proposed union, and the formation of an Academy of Sciences, submitted a report.  After discussion it was moved “that the Colorado Scientific Society respectfully decline to join the proposed union of societies, and that the representatives of these other organizations be notified of this action.”  Unanimously adopted.
The resignation of Mr. F. F. Chisolm as Secretary and Treasurer was read and accepted.  The president appointed Messrs. F. Guiterman and L. G. Eakins as auditors of the Treasurer’s account.
Whitman Cross was nominated to fill the vacancy as Secretary and Treasurer.
Communications. — The following named papers were read:
R. C. Hills, “Remarks upon the occurrence of coal in the Carboniferous at Aspen and Glenwood Springs, Colorado.”
The same, “Description of an Asphalt-like substance from Asphalt Wash, Utah.”
P. H. van Diest, “Notes on a trip to Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado.”
Shorter notes were offered by Whitman Cross and Wm. P. Headden.
The President, W. F. Hillebrand, announced his immediate removal to Washington, D. C.  He expressed his regret at the necessity of severing active connection with the Society, and thanked the members for the uniform courtesy extended to him as presiding officer.
Mr. P. H. van Diest moved “that the Society tender a vote of thanks to Mr. Hillebrand for his earnest endeavors in its behalf during his term as President.”
Mr. R. Pearce, in seconding this motion, expressed his high appreciation of Mr. Hillebrand’s work, mentioning particularly the valuable contributions to the Society’s proceedings.  The Vice-President was called to the chair and the motion adopted by acclamation.

December 7th, 1885,
In the Society Room, County Court House.
The Vice-President, P. H. van Diest, in the Chair.

The committee also reported that the proceedings of the Society be published at once, as part I of volume 2.
The Society then proceeded to the nomination of officers for the coming year, and the following nomination were made:
For President — Richard Pearce, P. H. van Diest.
For Vice-President — P. H. van Diest
Secretary and Treasurer — Whitman Cross, E. W. Rollins, A. H. Low.
Wm. P. Headden,                                         E. W. Rollins,
M. W. Iles,                                                  P. H. van Diest,
A. H. Low,                                                  Franklin Guiterman,
R. C. Hills,                                                   A. Eilers,
A. von Schulz
Communication. — The following named paper was read:
L. G. Eakins, “On Allanite and Gadolinite.”
Informal communications were made by M. W. Iles, Whitman Cross, and Wm. P. Headden.

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