Oscar J. Frost
(1859 – 1935)
Acting President of the Colorado Scientific Society 1893
Elected First Vice President for 1893; served as acting President in 1893 after Anton Eilers declined to serve as President.

- Chemist and assayer
- Authority on the chemistry of ore minerals
- Graduate of University of Wisconsin, and post-graduate work at Johns Hopkins University
- Associated with the Boston & Colorado Smelting Company at Globeville (Argo), Colorado
- For 35 years operated his own assay office and laboratory in Denver
- Member of the Teknik Engineering Society, Colorado Scientific Society and the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
- Representative for Colorado of the Engineering and Mining Journal. Author of articles on the assay of ore minerals
Why O. J. Frost needed to serve as acting President for 1893
These details are from:
The Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society, Volume 4, Abstract of Minutes [of Colorado Scientific Society Meetings] for 1892 and 1893,
and from the Colorado Scientific Society Minutes 1893- May 1904. (These are the complete minutes of CSS meetings.)
- Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society, Volume 4, Abstract of Minutes, page xvii; Annual Meeting, December 19th, 1892
“The nomination of officers for the ensuing year were read and the following persons elected:
President, Mr. A. Eilers elected, but subsequently declined office.
Vice President (1), . . . . . . O. J. Frost, Denver” - Colorado Scientific Society Minutes – 1893-May 1904, pages 4-6
The 100th regular meeting of the Society was held at its rooms in the Denver High School Building on Monday evening February 6th.
18 persons were present.
Mr. O.J. Frost 1st vice president in the chair.
p. 6 … “T. W. Stanton was on motion accepted. A letter from R. Anton Eilers, requesting to be relieved from the position of President of the Society was read. Mr. von Diest proposed not to sustain any motion to accept his resignation and to table his communication, which was adopted.” - Colorado Scientific Society Minutes – 1893-May 1904, pages 26-27
“Annual Meeting”
The annual meeting of the Society, for the purpose of electing officers and receiving the reports of officials, was held on Monday evening, Dec. 18th.
20 members were present.
The attention of the Society was directed by the Secretary to the fact that on Feb. 6th a letter had been received from Mr. Anton Eilers stating that on due inflection he found it impossible to accept his election to the Presidency for 1893, and asking the Society to accept the declination. On motion of Mr. P.H. van Diest it was decided to table the declination, in the hope that Mr. Eilers might be induced to reconsider his action. However, the year had drawn to a close without any further advice from Mr. Eilers, and it became necessary for the Society to take final action. On motion of Mr. P.H. van Diest, it was moved to declare the office of President vacant for the year 1893.”
Comment: Apparently P.H. van Diest tryied to force Anton Eilers to accept the position of CSS President. After this failed, P.H. van Diest moved to declare the CSS Presidency vacant for 1893. O. J. Frost, the first Vice President, served as acting president for the year, chairing most of the meetings.