To contact us via email, please use: for general Colorado Scientific Society business, for the Student Research Grants Chair,
or for website comments.
We are sorry, but our personal emails got too many scam and spear phishing emails.
Executive Committee
President Elect – Amy Atwater
Director of Paleontology, Friends of Dinosaur Ridge.

President – Shannon Mahan
US Geological Survey

Past President – Jeff Pigati
US Geological Survey
Secretary – Patrick Sullivan,
Colorado School of Mines
Treasurer – James Paces
US Geological Survey, Emeritus
2023-2025: Michael Frothingham, US Geological Survey
2023-2025: Kassandra Lindsey, Colorado Geological Survey
2024-2026: Nate Rogers, Colorado Geological Survey
2024-2026: Susan Slomski
2025-2027: Lisa Rukstales, US Geological Survey, retired
2025-2027: Adam Hudson
Executive Committee
Shannon Mahan, Chair, Amy Atwater, Cal Ruleman, Patrick Sullivan, James Paces
Student Research Grants
Members: Jeff Pigati, Chair, 4 others
Nominations Committee Jeff Pigati, 3 others
Membership Committee
Bob Raynolds, Chair
Newsletter Editor
Pete Modreski, US Geological Survey, Retired
Past Presidents’ Best Paper Award
Jeff Pigati, US Geological Survey
Chris Morrison
GSA Liaison
Lewis Kleinhans
Look at the Past Presidents of the Colorado Scientific Society
See the names, dates, and photos of the past Presidents of the Colorado Scientific Society.