2022 “No Moss” field trip: South Table Mountain, Lubahn Trail above Golden
Saturday, May 28, 2022, 9-11 a.m.
Trip Leader: Pete Modreski, USGS, retired

Meeting at 9 a.m. at the Lubahn Trail trailhead at the intersection of 19th St. and Belvedere Drive, Golden. We’ll be looking at some interesting features in the Denver Formation beds immediately below the Paleocene lava flows, including fossil wood and crystal-rich conglomerate beds. If interested in coming, contact Pete Modreski, pmodreski@aol.com or 720-205-2553 (it just helps to know approx. how many may be here.). We’ll be hiking up to (or near to) the top of S. Table Mtn. on one trail (Lubahn Trail) and back down on another (Olivine Trail); the two trailheads are just about 1/2 block apart, on Belvedere St. Parking at the trailheads is extremely limited (only about 6 cars at each spot), and the immediately adjacent neighborhood street parking is by permit for residents only. Donna Anderson has noted that open parking is available on East St., one long block to the west, between 18th and 19th St. Please just read the signs carefully, wherever you park!

For more information about the exposures on the Lubahn Trail, see pages 23-27 in:
Golden Rocks: The Geology and Mining History of Golden, Colorado, 20 MB PDF.
Written for the non-specialist, the book covers geology, water, mining, and mining legacies including railroads, mine hazards, pollution, and the transition from mining to open space. Illustrated with over 100 maps, photographs, and figures, it is the only guide covering the mining history of Golden.
Download this book and enjoy.