Wildcat Mountain – CSS No Moss Gathering
Saturday, June 29th 2024, 8:00 AM to noon
Bob Raynolds, Research Associate, Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) will lead this trip.

We saw the evidence for the onset of the Laramide Orogeny in the Denver Basin. This is manifested by the Arapahoe conglomerate, well exposed west of Sedalia near Wildcat Mountain. Where do these cobbles come from? Then visit the outcrop exposures of the principal aquifer in Douglas County, the Arapahoe Aquifer. This rock body is present in a buried fluvial distributary fan system. Water wells in Douglas County drill down 2000 feet to access this finite water resource. We will discuss three-dimensional modeling of the aquifer and the challenges for communities in Douglas County to find sustainable water resources.

Flyer for Wildcat Mountain No Moss Gathering 6-29-2024.
Note: Wildcat Mountain is on private land. We visited it with a member of the community. Please do not visit it without being accompanied by a member of the community.

Link to Lewis Kleinhans photos from Wildcat Mountain
The above link takes you to Lew’s full resolution photos from the Wildcat Mountain field trip plus a .kmz file that when clicked will open in Google Earth with lower resolution photos shown at their respective locations.