The Colorado Scientific Society usually has Spring and Fall field trips. Here are trip guides, maps and pictures from past field trips. The most recent field trips are listed first. The field trip guides for some field trip’s can be downloaded, usually as PDFs. The size of files larger than 3 MB is called out in the link, e.g. “Quaternary San Luis Basin, Ancient Lake Alamosa, 2007 (PDF 4.6 MB)”. Field trips are grouped by decade, with the most recent first. Some field trips with many pictures and maps have their own pages.
This contains all of the field trips on the searchable table and also additional field trips with less details.
2020-202+ Field Trips
Look here for the most recent field trips.
2010-2019 Field Trips
2000-2009 Field Trips
Coming: Field Trips from 1990s, 1980s and 1970s